WNY Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Donovan American Legion Post,3210 Genesee St., Cheektowaga, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday. Call 688-7492.
Central and WNY Chapter of Safari Club International, Michael'sBanquet, 4885 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg, 7 p.m., Wednesday. Call675-9171.
Pheasants Forever, Eagle House, 5578 Main St., Williamsville,7:30 p.m., Thursday. Call (585) 535-1725.
Niagara Frontier Chapter of National Wild Turkey Federation,Lancaster Moose Hall, 7:30 p.m., Thursday. Call 839-2269.
WNY Field Archers and Bowhunters Eighth Annual 3-D Championship,Bison Archery Service, 2459 Seneca St., 1-8 p.m., Thursday andFriday, and 1-4 p.m., Saturday, includes bare bow and traditionaldivisions. All walk-ons welcome. Call 826-1102.
Springville Field & Stream 3-D Archery Shoot, Saturday.
Allied Sportsmen's Annual 3-D Shoot, 8 a.m., Oct. 5. Call 668-0174.
Sportsmen's Coonhunters Association 3-D Open Shoot, 8 a.m., Oct.12. Call 542-4272, (585) 762-8919, or (585) 762-8824.
Shooting sports
Allied Sportsmen of Western New York Fall Trap shoots onWednesdays. For details, call Paul Nowacki (668-1367).
Erie County Conservation Society Open Traps on Tuesday (7-10p.m.) and a Saturday shoot (6-10 p.m.) Call 684-4739.
Elma Conservation Club Fall Military Shoot, 9 a.m., Oct. 12. CallDean DeMarco (652-3414).
Eastern Lakes Sectional Shoot through NYS Practical PistolLeague, Saturday and Oct. 5. For details, call Jerry Roy at 870-7890 (6-8 p.m.)
New York State Muzzleloaders Association Adirondack PrimitiveRendezvous, Moose River Plains Wilderness, south of Inlet, N.Y.,Oct. 11-17. Call (585) 495-6179.
Certification classes
Elma Conservation Club, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday and Oct. 5.Call 655-2342.
Canaseraga American Legion, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Monday and Oct. 6 and8 and Oct. 11, 9 a.m. - noon. Register at first class. Call (607)545-6414 or (607) 845-8664.
Grand Island Rod & Gun Club, Whitehaven Road, 6-10 p.m.,Wednesday and Oct. 8 and 15. Register at first class.
Holland Rod & Gun Club, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Saturday and Oct. 11.Call 692-7660.
Scio Rod & Gun Club, Oct. 6, 8, 9 and 11. Call (585) 593-1582 or(585) 973-2810.
Eden/North Collins Rod & Gun Club, 6-10 p.m., Oct. 6,7 and 8.Call 992-4866.
Allied Sportsmen's Club, Oct. 10 and 11. Call 439-0482.
Wheatfield Community Center, 6-9 p.m., Oct. 6. To register, sendself-addressed, stamped envelope to: Muzzleloader Seminar,Wheatfield Town Hall, 2880 Church Road, North Tonawanda, NY 14120.
White Tail Scents, Cain Road, Brant, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturdayand Oct. 5. Call 549-9857.
Active Bowhunters of WNY, 3 Valley Resort, Route 16, Holland, 8a.m. Oct. 5. Call (585) 496-5819.
Hamburg Rod & Gun Club, 6-10:30 p.m., Oct. 6 and 7. Call 648-2236.
American Sportsmen Center Pistol Certification Classes, 6-10 p.m.Mondays or noon-4 p.m., Saturdays. Call 743-8575.
A+ Best Pistol Permit Course, 3976 Walden Ave., Lancaster.Classes available Wednesday or Saturday. Call 681-2248.
Buffalo Gun Center Pistol Permit Classes, 6-10 p.m., Mondays orWednesdays or 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturdays. Call 833-2581.
Johnson's Country Store, Lockport, 6-10:30 p.m., Oct. 8. Call 434-9411.
Akron Falls Park, 8 a.m., Saturday. Call 683-0419.
Lime Lake Sportsmen's Club, Machias, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Oct. 5.Call 492-0432.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary eight-hour Safe Boating Course, GanderMountain, 880 Young St., Tonawanda, Saturday. Call LawrencePudlewski (683-4225).
Gun shows
Ripley Rod & Gun Club, Sherman Fire Hall, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Oct. 11and 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Oct. 12. Call Harry Probst (736-2465).
Erie County Chapter of SCOPE 38th Annual Banquet, Four PointsSheraton, Cheektowaga, 6 p.m., Friday. Call 639-7651.
Niagara County Chapter of NWTF Annual Fundraising Banquet,Lockport Best Western, Saturday. Call 625-4216.
Southern Tier Delta Waterfowl Chapter Annual Fundraising Banquet,Celeron American Legion, Oct. 11. Call 488-0886 or 969-9059.
Hamburg Natural History Society 8th Annual Fundraiser. Ilio DePaolo's Restaurant, Nov. 6. Call 627-4560.
Tifft Nature Preserve Programs, 1200 Fuhrmann Blvd.: 'SundayWalks,' 2-3 p.m.; 'Discovery Field Kit Tours' Tuesday-Sunday;'Thursday Wellness Walk,' 9:30-11:30 a.m. For all TNP programs, call825-6397 or e-mail:
Buffalo Audubon Society/Beaver Meadow Center, 1610 Welch Road,North Java. Sunday Family Walks and Talks, 'Reptiles andAmphibians,' 3 p.m., today and 'The Puzzle of the Pelt and Skull,'Oct. 5; 'The Paddle and Dine Fundraiser,' 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Saturdayand 'Observatory Open,' Saturday. Call (585) 457-3228, ex. 10, or e-mail:
Buffalo Audubon Iroquois Observations Family Day, IroquoisNational Wildlife Refuge, Driving Tour, 10 a.m., Saturday; ScopeWatch -- Cayuga Pool Overlook, noon, Saturday; and Focus on Herps, 1-2:30 p.m., Saturday.
Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve, 77 Honorine Drive, Cheektowaga.Public guided tours at 10 a.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays. Forregistered programs, call 851-7201 weekdays; after hours andweekends (683-5959). No reservations needed for public guided tours.
Niagara Frontier Region Parks Programs: 'Wildlife Festival,'Niagara Power Project's Power Vista, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., today. Call286-6661.
Knox Farm State Park Programs: 'Nature Hike,' 1 p.m., today and'Field Watch,' 6 p.m., today. Call 655-7201.
Foothills Trail Club Hikes: 'Carlton Hill -- Wyoming County,' 10a.m., Saturday, call (585) 762-9928.
Buffalo Ornithological Society Event: 'Western Lake OntarioPlains,' meet in Lewiston, 8 a.m., Oct. 5. Call 284-5569.
Hamburg Natural History Society Programs: Penn Dixie Site open 9a.m. - 3 p.m., Mon. - Fri. and 9 a.m. - noon, Saturday. Call 627-4560 or see the Web site:
Buffalo Orienteering Club Event: 'Pinewood Girl Scout Camp -Rochester,' noon - 2 p.m. starts, Sunday. Call (585) 377-5650 or seethe Web site:
Recumbenteers Riders Group Event: 'Seaway Trail Ride -- Bayviewand Hoover Roads,' 9 a.m., Oct. 5. Call 992-2180 or 896-1626.
Bond Lake Park, 2551 Lower Mountain Road, Lewiston. Nature Centeropen noon-4 p.m. on Sundays. Call 434-9591.
The Rock Environmental Center Program: 'Project Learning TreeWorkshop,' 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, $15 fee. To register, call(607) 753-3095, ex. 221.
Letchworth State Park Interpretive Programs: 'Mushroom Display,'noon, today. Call (585) 493-3625.
Niagara Bruce Trail Club Hikes: 'St. Catharines Loop,' 2 p.m.,today. Call (905) 934-4815.
Send items 15 days in advance to Will Elliott, 648 Ransom Road,Lancaster, 14086, or fax to 685-0420, or e-mail to