воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

American International Lifestyle Partners with FitnessInsite to Form Apogee Media - Manufacturing Close-Up

American International Lifestyle announced that its portfolio ofcompanies, which includes Apogee Lifestyle, Apogee Wellness, PowerPilates, Pilates Pro and Beyond Barre (collectively 'AIL'), hassigned an agreement with FitnessInsite, a web-based technology &advertising network in the health club & sports performance space,to form Apogee Media LLC ('Apogee Media').

According to a release, the joint company will leverage AIL'slibrary of thousands of hours of educational and wellness videocontent and distribute it across FitnessInsite's 160 client sitesthroughout the health & fitness industry. In addition, Apogee Mediawill utilize its private label software platform for corporatewellness programs, hospitals, alternative medical practices andhealth & fitness websites across North America.

The company will begin to develop customized digital media at itsnew production studio in New York City while also working withexclusive content partners including doctors, personal trainers,chiropractors, group exercise instructors, pilates & yogainstructors, sports rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists,nutritionists and alternative medicine practitioners. Theproprietary technology platform, powered by FitnessInsite, willserve as an online distribution channel that already reachesmillions of consumers and fitness enthusiasts.

'Apogee Media brings together thought-leaders from the health andwellness industries as well as proven entrepreneurs from theinternet and digital media sectors,' said Michelle Miller, CEO ofApogee Media. 'I am excited to hit the ground running with thispowerful team and the unique balance of proprietary technology,validated content and innovative online media developments.'

Irv Cohen, President of Apogee Lifestyle, stated, 'Our portfolioof companies is a 'who's who' in the wellness, pilates and coreprogramming disciplines. The ability for us to leverage the web andreach millions of instructors and consumers will take us to the nextlevel. The creation of Apogee Media expedites our initiatives,empowers us to better leverage social media marketing and puts us atthe epicenter of the wellness community.

'During the past decade, FitnessInsite has been building asubstantial client network by providing private-label web platformswith interactive sales, content management and interactive fitness &nutrition applications to over 160 clients representing over 700bricks & mortar health club locations across the U.S.,' said PeteMoore, Chairman of FitnessInsite and Managing Partner at IntegritySquare LLC, 'We recognized the need to layer our network with asignificant amount of video content and community building in orderto fuel our online platforms. This partnership with the Apogeefamily of companies, their people, and their extended network willbe the perfect combination of Distribution & Content in the rapidlygrowing and dynamic health & wellness category. '

The AIL Group is a fully integrated health and wellness network.The AIL brands offer products, education programs, wellness centersand studios. Headquartered in White Plains, NY, AIL operates aportfolio of brands including: APOGEE Wellness, Apogee Pilates &Wellness Centers, Power Pilates and Pilates-Pro.com.

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