Friends and family members are planning a benefit for Western NewYork Softball Hall of Fame member Dave Deyot, who is undergoingtreatment for pancreatic cancer. The benefit will be held from 3 to8 p.m. Nov. 7 in Ironworkers Hall, 196 Orchard Park Road, WestSeneca. Tickets are $25 and include food, beverages and music. Avariety of raffles and auctions will be held.
Proceeds will go to help defray medical expenses for Deyot, whois considered the best left-handed pitcher to perform in opendivision fast-pitch softball in Western New York. He played for manyof the area's best teams in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, includingBonners, Bokans, Carpet Gallery and Sockos. A lifelong Buffaloresident, Deyot is a retiree from Trico.
The committee is looking for donations of raffle and auctionitems. To make a donation, purchase tickets or get more information,call Dave Steinwandel at 826-0142.
Brendan Hansen, who won a silver medal in the breaststroke at theOlympics in Athens, Greece, will conduct a clinic in the CanisiusCollege Koessler Athletic Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 16. Theclinic is for swimmers ages 8 and older who want help in all fourstrokes, mental preparation, dry land training and overcomingadversity. Cost is $50 per swimmers who register by Sept. 3 or $60after that. Space is limited to the first 150. Each swimmer willreceive an autograph, a Speedo goodie bag, including an event swimcap, as well as instruction. Make checks payable to CanisiusAthletics and mail to Canisius Swimming and Diving, KoesslerAthletic Center, 2001 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14208, Attn: BrendanHansen Clinic. For more information, call Jason at 888-2693 or e-mail at
Recently, a USTA tennis team from Western New York won the SuperSenior 4.0 Eastern Sectional Men's Team Doubles Championships at theMamaroneck Tennis Club in White Plains, defeating a New York citybased team in the finals, 2-1. Members of the winning team were PatHudak, Charlie Garfinkel, Jon Nichols, Phil Celniker, Gary Solomon,Whitey Martin, and Player-Coach Jay Sadkowski. The win qualified theteam for the National Team Championships in Kansas City, Kansas, inMay, 2005.
BASEBALL: The Buffalo School of Baseball will hold a collegeshowcase for high school juniors and seniors from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Oct. 3 at Dawson Field in Depew. All area college coaches and proscouts are welcome. Pre-registration for players is required.Contact Rick Lancellotti at 681-9410.
BASKETBALL: The Niagara Rapids Girls AAU Basketball Club willhold tryouts for 15 and 16-17 travel teams from 10 a.m. to noonSunday in Clark Gym on the University at Buffalo Main Street Campus.There is a $15 tryout fee for AAU membership. or call 830-0105.
HOCKEY: Beginner skating classes for boys and girls ages 4-12will begin Thursday in Holiday Twin Rinks in Cheektowaga and onSept. 29 in Leisure Rinks in Orchard Park. These five-sessionprograms will provide fundamental instruction. Cost is $45. Call 685-3660 or register online at . . . Skate Great,Inc., will offer Learn to Skate classes in Holiday Twin Rinks andLeisure Rinks beginning next Monday. All ages are welcome. Mondayclasses will be from 5:45 to 6:30 at Holiday; Tuesday's classes willbe from 4:45 to 5:30 at Leisure Rinks, and Thursday classes will befrom 5:10 to 5:55 at Leisure. Skate rentals available. Call 564-3899 or visit
RACQUETBALL: The WNYRA Junior Development Program will begin at2:30 p.m. Oct. 9 in BAC-Suburban. This session will consist of sixtwo-hour lessons and several tournament opportunities. Cost is $35per student or $7 per individual session and is open to childrenages 10-18. Contact Greg Maliken at 838-5860 or 857-7634 or
SOFTBALL: The Cayuga Gamblers 12U girls team will hold tryouts tofill the roster at noon Sept. 25 at the 93rd Street Complex inNiagara Falls. Call 693-1838.
The Bulletin Board appears twice weekly, Tuesday and Friday.Information must be submitted by mail (c/o Buffalo News, SportsDept., One News Plaza, Buffalo, NY 14240) or fax (849-4587). Itemsare limited to one appearance. There is no charge.